Monday, July 25, 2011

Oatmeal Molasses Bread

Yes, yet again another Earth to Table recipe, Oatmeal Molasses bread! This bread is easily the best I have ever made, as it was so tasty and moist. It involved putting rolled oats in boiling water to soften, and then adding your flavourings to it. Then you mix your dry ingredients together with yeast, and you promptly add that to the wet mixture. All in all it was an easy dough to come together and when set aside in the bowl to double in size, it did (something that I've found difficult in other bread recipes, mostly because they usually don't have a proofing action as this recipe does by using the hot water, which of course cooled to an appropriate temperature so as not to kill the yeast).

My Mom had made strawberry jam which is so good with this bread for breakfast. I've made this bread twice. The first time I followed the recipe to a T. The second time I decided to double it so that I could have four loaves instead of two. This is a definite keeper recipe for me.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Earth to Table Pizza

As promised, here is a post about the pizza my friends and I made for our pizza party some weeks ago. We chose to use a recipe for pizza dough from the "Earth to Table" book which was a combination of kneading and resting the dough. We tripled the dough recipe and it rose beautifully in the time called for. Tripling the recipe allowed us to make 12 individual pizzas, which was good because we had leftovers for the next day too.

For toppings, we followed the "Earth to Table" book's recipe for Squash, Pancetta, and Sage pizza. I know it's not very seasonal, but we had sage in our garden that we were wanting to use. It was a delicious recipe, but it could've used a sauce to moisten the dough, because the grated parmesan burned when they hit the oven. We created a second topping combination as well, with store-bought pizza sauce, mozzarella, basil, and sauteed red peppers and mushrooms, which was also very delicious. Part of the charm of the "Earth to Table" pizzas we all agreed was by far the pizza dough because they were crispy on the outside and very soft, fluffy and bread-like on the inside. We would definitely make this recipe again.